Wednesday, August 31, 2005


With all the reports coming directly from the hurricane ravaged areas, I was glad to find information on how citizens can assist. The list can be found via the link provided, of course the top of the list is the following:
American Red Cross, 800-HELP-NOW (435-7669)

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Lest we forget the pottery barn rule

"Your mission is to go on offense, to go on the attack," Rumsfeld told the troops, praising those who are currently fighting. "They are engaging the terrorists where they live, so we don't have to engage them where Americans live."
It amazes me that the administration is still handing out this rhetoric. If you're going to keep slinging the same old hash, at least give us some variety. I'm not sure what they should try, maybe have Cheney come out and man a tank and fire depleted uranium rounds at the enemy. Cheney could pull it off, no doubt.
I will agree with Rumsfeld on the following:
"Everyone would like it to be perfect, and life isn't perfect," Rumsfeld said.

Monday, August 29, 2005

Sunni or later

Isn't it strange how we are now hearing so much about the Iraqi constitution that is being disputed by the Sunni's and how the Sunnis are now protesting the document. When Saddam was in power they were remarkably quiet, not one protest. What a bunch of jerks, who do these guys think they are.. Americans?

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Gas Miser

According to the Energy Department, every 5 mph you drive over 60 is like paying 18 cents more per gallon.
This little tidbit was enlightening for me. This article from the Post has it's usual flair and stinging point that I can't resist. Enjoy.

Friday, August 26, 2005

Detestable T-shirt

On the evening news yesterday it was reported that there was a harmfully offensive shirt being sold in a North Dallas mall. Then I read about it in this morning's newspaper. It seems we should keep our sense of humor to ourselves especially when it concerns a community or neighborhood.
Unfortunately, for residents of Oak Cliff (south Dallas) there is a disturbing amount of crime reported by the news media almost nightly. So the commentary/joke mass-produced on a T-shirt may be the wake up call this suburb needs.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


So I'm doing laundry today and I just wanted to know, when you wash your whites do you always use bleach? Or do you only use bleach when stains visit?

Pet Rock of the Internet

Apparently a blog is a web log or online journal that can discuss any subject. Lucky for us we have the expert, Steve Strauss on hand at USA Today to inform us of such things. Read up on this groundbreaking report.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Clinton, the sequel

I don't usually read the book reviews but I was so entertained by the review of: Mr. Edward Klein's, "The Truth about Hillary" that I was compelled to share. Some of my favorite quotes from the review are the following:
"As an expert on sordid nonfiction, I would not put ''The Truth About Hillary'' anywhere near the top of my list;" and ''The Truth About Hillary'' is only about the 16th sleaziest book I have ever read.'
Well for me, if I'm interested in reading something sleazy I would have to stay in the top five. Sixteenth is too sophomoric to consider. My thanks to Joe Queenan for his inciteful review.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Chavez Out

Well I'll be.. What would Jesus do?
I'm not sure but if you are the founder of the Christian Coalition maybe (I'm going out on a limb here) you refrain from endorsing the assasination of foreign leaders. Pat might want to consider opening rather than thumping his bible and finding the passage about killing not being condoned by the Almighty.
I will have to agree with the wise old man that it is a whole lot cheaper than starting a war. But, I digress. Doesn't Mr. Robertson have some upper echelon flunky he could have used to make such a statement for him? I guess not.
Maybe the devil made him do it.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Reality Check

Let's sugarcoat the military experience. There are so many things wrong with this approach to recruitment. Another Op-Ed from Mr. Herbert at the NYTimes sheds some light where needed.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Always Be Closing

The A.P. website provided this newsbite. It appears our Commander in Chief is going to sell us the vehicle we weren't interested in test driving the first time around.
I think of the astonishing performance of Mr. Alec Baldwin in one of my favorite films, Glengarry Glenross.
"A.B.C. A always, B be, C closing."

Oh, Jenny

What is the world coming to?
Jenny McCarthy is divorcing her husband (what's his name) of six years due to irreconcilable differences. What is her husband thinking? He should consider reconciling.
First Brad and Jen, now this. I'm at a complete loss. O.K. Angelina is a beauty, but she is no Jennifer Aniston.

Friday, August 19, 2005

Boots on the Ground

I wasn't going to mention the men and women on the ground today, but the Times has this great quote:
"One minute we're trying to catch a fly ball; the next minute, we're praying not to get blown into a million pieces."
DAWAYNE HARTERSON, staff sergeant, whose Army Reserve unit in Iraq plays softball in between missions searching for roadside bombs.

a.m. coffee

Coffee, can you go without it? I know I need my two pints in the a.m. I can stay away from caffeine the remainder of the day but in the morning I must have it. I choose my favorite blend: Chock full of nuts. Sometimes I will switch to Folger's Breakfast Blend which like my favorite has a rich smoothness that alerts and alleviates.
Two sugars and milk, well I prefer the Coffemate Hazelnut or the French Vanilla creamer. If I'm going to put anything into my coffee I want it to compliment the bouquet of the coffee bean.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

New Republican Opinion

"There is just no enthusiasm for this war," said Representative John J. Duncan Jr., a Tennessee Republican who opposes the war. "Nobody is happy about it. It certainly is not going to help Republican candidates, I can tell you that much."

Here's another quote from an intellectual.
"Any effort to explain Iraq as 'We are on track and making progress' is nonsense," Newt Gingrich, a Republican who is a former House speaker, said. "The left has a constant drumbeat that this is Vietnam and a bottomless pit. The daily and weekly casualties leave people feeling that things aren't going well."

Bloody Sunday

Another bold Op-Ed from Mr. Herbert at the NYTimes. There is something about a good op-ed that I cannot pass up. Herbert makes a solid argument and a convincing but stinging point:
"The announcement on Sunday that five more American soldiers had been blown to eternity by roadside bombs was treated by the press as a yawner."
As the quagmire festers like an open wound should we just look away?

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Rancho Revolucionario

Sheehan's quest seems to have sparked much debate. The mowing down of crosses. The shot fired from a Crawford resident. The peacemakers stand with her and the warmongers stand against her. Lucky for us all we have the Bill of Rights.
1st Amendment:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Evictions for the reviled mustawtinin

It is hard for me to understand how so much hate could take root in such a small area of land. As an American it just doesn't make sense to move into an area/neighborhood where the folks next door viciously hate me.
It's pretty sad. Hate breeds hate. Man's inhumanity to man.
Maybe when the aliens come mankind will make some attempt to unify.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Lowered Expectations

The Bush administration is significantly lowering expectations of what can be achieved in Iraq, recognizing that the United States will have to settle for far less progress than originally envisioned...
This directly from today's Washington Post.
Thank you gentlemen for some real news.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

$3.00 is coming

Terrible news but definitely worth knowing. Get ready for the $3 dollar mark at the pumps. Citizens beware, California is already there. Where is the innovation? Where is the biofuel we heard about years ago? Are we just fooling ourselves?

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Gas on the rise

It is just sick that we as citizens of a "free" society are required to pay so much for our fuel. So I figured since we in North Texas are near the $2.50 mark I might as well ask Jeeves. Maybe he might be able to shed some light on the problem and he did find a few items but no answer to the burning question. But Jeeves did provide the link above: 6 simple ways to save money on gas. Good luck to us all the American sucker, I mean taxpayer.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Exit Novak

I still can't believe Robert Novak walking off the set of CNN's Inside Politics. He has always come across as a distinguished and professional man with an opinion. He offers a conservative opinion regularly and I appreciate what he brings to the table. Unfortunately it seems Mr. Carville just got his goat and he chose to make his exit after cursing at Carville and his opinion.
I still find Mr. Novak to be a fine journalist and he offers much to the needed discussions we should hear as Americans. I hope he can check his temper the next time he is required to sit next to a person with an opposing viewpoint.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Mr. No. 2 warns London

I could not believe the latest news story about Al Qaeda's No. 2 man. He is threatening Tony Blair and the U.S. This man, Dr al-Zawahiri is a doctor no less. He starts with: "Blair has brought to you destruction in Central London, and will bring you more of that, God willing,"
Then the radical continues his diatribe against America:
warning of horrors "worse than they faced in Vietnam".
It's no wonder that the President and the Prime Minister come off as a couple of stubborn men. They are trying to fight fire with fire.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Fear Up tactic

Important and disturbing article in todays Post. It appears this unorthodox "fear up" tactic may prove useful up until the detainee being questioned breathes his last breath.

Evolution vs. Intelligent Design

Another decent Editorial on the Times today. Schools of thought being what they are. We probably should make clear the Theory of Evolution is a theory, and the Bible (never considered a fax from God) written by mankind is myth.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

NASA > X Games

With the space shuttle Discovery in orbit possibly damaged and probably at the point of no return I think of these extreme sports guys on the X Games and I just will not feel sorry for them. When the average American puts him or herself in harms way they never get sympathy. Good Luck Astronaut dudes and dudettes! Should be a helluva ride.

Monday, August 01, 2005

P.O.W.s or Terrorists?

Another great Op-Ed piece by Bob Herbert over at the Times. We are fortunate to have Senators like John McCain that are trying to accomplish something worthwhile.


Rafael Palmeiro. Whoops!
Al Gore T.V. Who cares.
The President's recess appointment. Is that really a big deal?