Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Unfortunately with this postal shooting we have yet another stereotype being reinforced.
The shooter kills six then herself. What the hell happened here? Why can't these shooters just turn the gun on themself first?
I guess there'll never be an answer for it.

Monday, January 30, 2006

Enron Irony

Wow, the jury pool was asked not to seek vengeance.
I can't believe it. These top execs are so blood-stained with the lost futures of thousands of employees that were shredded like so many of their misleading documents, they definitely deserve whatever justice/vengeance they have coming.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Fuzzy Logic

Wow, even I know never to cross Oprah.
I'm just a simple man that has never been to Chicago and I have never met Oprah, but even I know never to betray her trust and never make a fool out of her.
I have to assume Mr. Frey is not in his write mind to think he could pull one over on her.
For a moment, just a slight moment I almost pitied him for his memoir mistake and how he has been publicly shamed for it.
But then I remembered how much cash he and his publisher have made on bending the truth with his fuzzy memory.
If anything I feel concerned that Oprah will not trust any more authors in the future and discontinue her book club.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Survive this

File this under E for evasion.
Poor old Richard Hatch is now in jail for claiming the TV show Survivor was going to pay his taxes on the $1 million dollars he won more than five years ago.
Hatch, 44, faces up to 13 years in prison and a fine of $600,000. Sentencing was scheduled for April 28.

It must be so sad for him, being such an intelligent person assuming he could simply outwit, outplay and outlast the IRS.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Movie Previews

Are these one minute movie previews showing the entire movie or is it just me? Just a day ago I was bombarded with the entire plot line for a new Harrison Ford flick that is coming this weekend.
Maybe it's just me but I recall a time when a film preview was a simple hint, a brief brushstroke of the directors vision that enticed us to want to see more. Now it seems I can see the catalyst of the plot, the apex and the conclusion of most movies by simply watching the one minute trailer.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

dumb question

Usually I can agree that there is no such thing as a dumb question but some Kansas resident asked the President if he had seen the film, Brokeback Mountain.

Now I'm not saying the guy that asked the question is a moron for asking such an idiotic thing. What I am saying is when anyone has the President's ear at an open forum event with news media present it is best to ask a question of substance and keep any stupid queries for the co-workers around the water cooler.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Oh, brother

Recently I heard a phrase that just makes me sick.
This dude on TV is standing next to his buddy and the news personality asks the guy,
"Is this gentleman your friend?" to which the man on the street answers,
"He's my brother, my brother from a different mother."
I'm not sure how long this cute phrase has been around but it is not cool and it's not catchy. Simply the man standing next to his friend is not his brother, he is his friend.
What ever happened to answering the question truthfully?

Friday, January 13, 2006


refer Iran to the security council, a major escalation in the world of diplomacy.

I find it difficult to believe the U.N. has any real power to stop Iran from enriching uranium. It is just so tiring to read about these issues popping up in the Middle East and then hearing how the U.N. will resolve everything in a peaceful manner.

I truly hope they will be able to accomodate and pacify everyone involved. Unfortunately we don't live in a perfect world, and it will likely fall on American Military personnel and American taxpayer monies to adjust the thinking of some radical minded persons.

America, home of the brave, land of the free and policeman for the entire world.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

End of an Era

Nikon has decided to end film camera production. A company spokesman said, "digital cameras have become the norm." Although, the corporation has not specified when it will end production, it will happen in the near future.
I guess as long as 35 mm film is available I won't panic.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Texas Hammer vs. Strong Arm

Wow, with Delay dropping out of the limelight, I guess the only hammer we can still count on is Jim Adler, The Texas Hammer or the Tough, Smart Lawyer as he calls himself.
I must admit though, the other lawyer on T.V. that calls himself The Strong Arm is rightfully impressive.
I just can't imagine which of these two T.V. advertisement lawyers is superior. Could the Texas Hammer defeat the Strong Arm, or would the Strong Arm be more even-handed in dealing out justice?
Alas, the answer to my question may never rise to the surface as it may remain forever in litigation.
So it goes.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Morning Malaise

Is it just me or does Katie Couric overdo it with her flirtatiousness?

I'm watching the Today show this a.m. and Matt is out, which Katie is so ready to announce that he is recovering from minor surgery (unprofessional), so the show has what's his name with the Steve Martin hair and Katie starts up with her little flirt-a-rama.
It is unknown to me why the producers of the show don't call her on this, but it becomes an uncomfortable display when the co-host is married and there is a chance his wife might be watching.

She'll likely not stop flirting in the future and that is o.k., but for christsakes could she stick to flirting with the single men that come on to promote their current project?
Is that too much to ask?