Thursday, June 29, 2006

Shooting star

Well it was probably time for the Star to go Nova or maybe the Star was simply being sucked into a Black Hole of self-aggrandizement.
Whatever the case may be, any sane person with half a brain would be certain to never cross the ever-powerful Barbara Walters.
Of course, she won't be looking for employment for long, she is a lawyer.
Ask her, she'll tell you.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Step forward

Steps forward from Corporate America? I was shocked and dismayed. It seems that there are some executives that can think outside the box and truly have some progressive ideas.
I wonder how soon Ford and Chevy are going to pull their heads out of the sand and start offering some real hybrid contenders that can compete with the Toyota Prius and the Civic hybrids? Not soon enough I'm certain.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Wow the more things change the more they stay the same.
It seems that no one ever mentioned to Ms. Coulter that hate breeds hate.
There might be something in the good book about treating others as we ourselves would like to be treated but I'm not good at remembering such details.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Gay old time

Banning gay marriage. Is this really a priority concern for Americans?
It seems to me just another diversion for this administration to flex it's morality muscle.
Excuse me if I don't join in on the horror of gay people across the land wanting to get married.
I'm not sure if this really is about moral decay and the decay of family values. What is the divorce rate among man/woman marriages right now? Better than 50% I can almost bet.
How has the sacrament of marriage been stained by our (the heterosexual community's) lack of respect to such an esteemed institution.
Maybe something more radical needs to be introduced to marriage, such as a 2 or 5-year renewal of the license? This way the divorce rate will no longer tarnish what our exceedingly wise leaders consider such a holy union.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Mexico's other border

Thanks to the Newsweek publication I was able to read this insightful report. It seems Mexico and it's above-board government may need to be more introspective when they decide to tell the U.S. government how to handle illegal aliens coming across the border to take jobs their citizens will not do.

$3.50 is a day's pay for a Guatemalan field hand on a coffee plantation in southern Mexico.

Irony sure is ironic. Just when they think their feces doesn't stink, some media outlet lets them know different. Maybe our leaders in D.C. should consider how Mexico handles it's undocumented worker problem and adopt some of those tough love solutions.
So it goes.