Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Lest we forget the pottery barn rule

"Your mission is to go on offense, to go on the attack," Rumsfeld told the troops, praising those who are currently fighting. "They are engaging the terrorists where they live, so we don't have to engage them where Americans live."
It amazes me that the administration is still handing out this rhetoric. If you're going to keep slinging the same old hash, at least give us some variety. I'm not sure what they should try, maybe have Cheney come out and man a tank and fire depleted uranium rounds at the enemy. Cheney could pull it off, no doubt.
I will agree with Rumsfeld on the following:
"Everyone would like it to be perfect, and life isn't perfect," Rumsfeld said.


mman said...

Rummy is smart. He tried to resign more than once and the President convinced him to "stay the course."

Carnealian said...

I'm wondering how that works. I want to quit but the boss says no.

Carnealian said...

I like this idea: How about we send W.'s daughters in there. How long do you think it would take for the troops to move out should that happen?

Fundy said...

I don't care what your political opinion is about the invasion of Iraq. It's a moot point now, and everyone needs to concentrate on more effectively and efficiently carrying out the mission. But many of our own citizens refuse to do so.

The self-loathing, Blame-America-First crowd loves to throw around the witty query, "If you believe in the war so much, why don't you go fight it." Their own rhetoric apparently advocates a military dictatorship, where the only people that have the right to comment on such policy are our uniformed servicemembers. That works out great for me, but I think the liberal crowd might grow to regret that position.

mman said...

Thank you carnealian, if the boss is the President and he asks you to stay on it's in your best interest to stay. As for the Bush daughters, well I think the First Lady would convince her daughters not to enlist.
Thanks fundy for your input as well. I agree with your idea that the liberal side would not like a military dictatorship. I'm not sure how the rhetoric advocates the dictatorship you mention.
I may be incorrect but I believe it was Bill Maher who said, If you believe in the war, why don't you go fight it. That Bill is a funny guy.

mman said...

Thanks lass for the levity.