To the moon, Alice. To the moon.
The geniuses with slide rulers at NASA are offering the American taxpayer a great deal. A moonshot for the low, low price of $104 billion dollars.
Here's a quote direct from the article:
The pace of the project, NASA Administrator Michael D. Griffin said, "will fit the funding that's available."
I'm not sure who these salesmen are trying to fool, but how many Government projects have ever fit the funding? I'm going to guess, zero.
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Thanks lass, well as anyone knows the moon is made of cheese and we just need to remember to bring crackers.
I encourage extraterrestrial exploration--just not by the government. There is an unimaginable amount of money to be made in space, and eventually we'll need the living space (so to speak). But the government can't do it cheaply, nor for a profit, nor quickly. What it can do, and is in fact very good at, is throw money down various ratholes--like NASA. And endemically corrupt state governments--like Louisiana's.
Orbital space should have been deregulated twenty years ago. Every day we don't do it is a lost day of exploration and profit. And profit, all socialists drooling aside, is the key to improving humanity's lot as a whole.
As for New Orleans, I was under the impression that was the responsibility of the state government. But then I'm one of those old-fashioned individuals who believes the 10th Amendment was insisted upon by the Virginia delegation for a very good reason. Unfortunately, federal pluralists have taken over and turned Washington into the origin point for largess and blame alike.
But then again, since I'll never see space personally, I'll settle for reaching my five-million dollar retirement goal and putting up a sign which reads "TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT. TWICE." I'll be a happy man, then. Especially if someone tries to trespass.
/haven't had lunch yet
//hunger makes me irascible
///somewhat incoherent, as well
Thanks jaregghead, the government always tries to keep programs within budget, but fails once the check clears.
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