Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Meeting with the Saudis

Does the Bush Administration truly believe the American working class will be convinced by this feeble attempt to curtail fuel prices by meeting with a billionaire Crown Prince and pressing palms? As reported in the Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2005/04/26/international/middleeast/26prexy.html?hp&ex=1114574400&en=707584f1f0905a2e&ei=5094&partner=homepage
What a joke.


Anonymous said...

The president's all too cozy relationship with the Saudis borders on treason. If we really want to stop terrorism, we will demand the Saudis turn over the terrorist in their country of suffer the consequences. Instead, the President kisses their ass.

mman said...

The Saudis as "friends of the President" should be true friends and allow the questioning/interrogation of Saudi citizens that have ties with terrorist organizations. It could be so simple, but never is for governments that have dirty hands.