Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Tough Chuck

A good friend shared this link with me recently, so I in good conscience must share it also. It is a list of toughness factors on the one and only toughman Chuck Norris.
My personal favorite is:
The chief export of Chuck Norris is pain.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

Denounce this

Well it seems to me that all parties involved are guilty of something, come on they're all politicians.
Will we as a nation ever know, truly know all the facts leading up to the invasion and now occupation?
Probably not.
I try to look at such things and reference history. Do we as a nation know without a doubt who or what organization assasinated J.F.K.?
Maybe the next generation or the generation after will find out those answers. We most likely will not.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

It's about time

Well, after spending many taxpayer hours downing coffee and donuts behind closed doors, the suits on Capital Hill may have come up with something.

Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. said: "We want to change the course. We can't stay the course."

With public polls at an all time low, maybe some of the suits in D.C. are actually going to produce for a change.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Atari Nostalgia

Nothing is quite as nostalgic as nostalgia.
Forget about XBox 360.
Atari Flashback 2 has arrived in time for Christmas with a sweet M.S.R.P of $30.00.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Dover and out

With an old guy like Mr. Robertson, you have to be ready for anything. I guess the nice folks in Dover should beware of the wrath of a senile, hateful old man.
Maybe the God that Mr. Robertson prays and talks with regularly is not the same benevolent and omniscient being that most other sane people imagine when they think of God or a godlike figure.
Of course one must always consider the source of such opinions. This is the same old-timer that believes feminism encourages women to "kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."

So it goes.

Thursday, November 10, 2005


"There is a clear message from the election results all over the country. The American people, by and large as a body politic, are looking for a more centrist approach."
SHERWOOD BOEHLERT a Republican representative from New York

Maybe this guy is right, maybe he's not.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Big oil profit

Once again our hard working representatives in D.C. are asking the tough questions.

There is a “growing suspicion that oil companies are taking unfair advantage,” Sen. Pete Domenici, R-N.M., said as the hearing opened in a packed Senate committee room.
“The oil companies owe the country an explanation,” he said.

Just because the suits in Washington are putting the oil execs on the hot seat doesn't mean the average American will see any relief.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

smoke free

What is your opinion on smokers? Do you get along with them, do you feel sympathy for them, or do you despise them as the lowest form of life on the planet?
I've never been a smoker of cigarettes so I can't say I know the difficulty of trying to quit, I have only heard the stories of the successful and unsuccessful quitters.
Finally, I am curious, if you tolerate smokers because they are related, do you stand with them as they light up or do you pressure them to do their business out in the backyard alone?

pop ups

Don't you hate it when you get these annoying little pop ups that ask for your opinion? Your opinion matters, one recently informed me.
Well my opinion on that is stay the hell off my computer or I will log off right now mister. What a bunch of annoying little pranksters, I wish I could squash 'em like gnats.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Charitable Cheney

Thank you Mr. Cheney for your opinion.
How about we consider the opinion of soldiers that have actually been in combat and/or some of the Veterans that have been held as a prisoner of war. I guess policy doesn't work that way.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Carlin Infinity

"For me, it isn't the fact of the disintegration so much as the act of it, watching it, seeing it," he added. "It is a freak show. And in this country you get a front-row seat. And some of us have notebooks."

The observations of George Carlin are unique, devastating and brutal. Exactly what America needs, some truth.

Jobs for the masses

"People from other states, we appreciate their help. But everybody else is getting work, not us."
AUBREY D. CHEATHAM, a union electrician from New Orleans who believes he lost a job to lower-paid workers from outside Louisiana.

Irony at it's best.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


The Royals are here! How exciting! Whatever.
I have one thing to say about the royals,
if you aint Tony Blair you aint jack squat.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

small soap

When the soap bar in the shower starts to disintegrate, do you fuse the additional small soaps like when superman smashed the briquette into a diamond?
I was wondering about this recently as I did the two-handed squeeze.
I remembered that scene from the superman movie and being inquisitive I wanted to find out if others did the same.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Here we go again

"Make no mistake: he will move the court to the right, and this confirmation process is really going to be a question about whether Congress and the country wants to move this court to the right."LARRY LUSTBERG, who has long known Judge Samuel A. Alito Jr., President Bush's choice for the Supreme Court.

Now we can sit back and watch all those old suits in D.C. argue and spit at each other for weeks or maybe months.
What an efficient system we have there in the capital.