Saturday, November 12, 2005

Atari Nostalgia

Nothing is quite as nostalgic as nostalgia.
Forget about XBox 360.
Atari Flashback 2 has arrived in time for Christmas with a sweet M.S.R.P of $30.00.


Fundy said...

Oh what great memories, hours of pong on the old B&W TV. Must purchase one, for my children of course! But pleeeeease spar me of the nostalgic trip down music memory lane!

To get a sense of how dated the games are, when Pong was first sold in 1975, the Captain and Tennille's "Love Will Keep Us Together"

I need not to remember such songs; you know like Muskrat Love, oh.....the misery of those memories! Can not get them of my head, must seek psychological help………

mman said...

Thanks fundy, some memories are good and some not so good. I hadn't thought of the old B&W TV in ages. The music of the 70's is not all good.

Carnealian said...

I used to have an Atari. I wore grooves in the joysticks. Now there's a word you don't hear every day!

Fundy said...

To ghetto? How about too Richy Rich. Colecovision was the best you could buy in the early 80's!

Jar(egg)head said...

I'll probably pick one up at the local BestBuy, since my best friend in childhood had a 2600. But I was an Intellivision guy, myself. In fact, I recently broke down and bought all the old Intellivision games on two compliation discs. I must say, however, that I actually enjoyed reading the development history, team biographies, and looking at all those funky early-80's eyeglasses more than I enjoyed playing the games.

On occasion, usually when I'm sotted around midnight, I will fire up the movie Tron and re-live some of my youth. I'm a positive sop when it comes to nostalgia. My fiance thought I'd lost my mind (she had wrongly assumed I was still in possession thereof) when I paid $20.00 on Ebay for a 1980 Sears Wish Book earlier this year. I consider it to have been a great entertainment investment. That book and a bottle of scotch, and I was entertained for hours. More than got my money's worth.

A sop, I tell you.

mman said...

Wow, Intellivision and Colecovision are two things I had not heard of in ages. Thanks to everyone for going down memory lane.
Thanks jaregghead for the info on what I can find and bid on at Ebay.
I personally have all 3 of the Midway arcade treasures and the Namco collection for my Gamecube.
Life would be incomplete without them.
Merry Christmas everyone.