Monday, February 06, 2006


I think Shatner said it best, "Irony sure has a way of being ironic."

With the great new catch phrase: addicted to oil, I'm just so delightfully disgusted with the options we as a nation have concerning our reliance on foreign oil from sovereign nations like Saudi Arabia.
It's no surprise to me that Prince Turki al-Faisal is concerned and alerted by our President's new and astonishing rhetoric that America needs to be weaned off this particular addiction.
I'm sure he was shocked and is now willing to do whatever it takes to keep his cash cow happy, undisturbed and well fed.
Whatever happens I hope for the best but I'll still plan on the worst. Our leaders in Washington have not pushed for an increase on the C.A.F.E. standards and likely will not in the near future.
So in the meantime I will remember the frightfully funny military term SNAFU and go about my day.

1 comment:

mman said...

Thanks for your comment crys.