Friday, March 03, 2006

H.M.O. help me out

Lucky for me, my health insurance company's standard operating procedure is the following.
After going in for a routine checkup that includes blood work, etc. I receive a bill for $200 plus dollars from my Doctor informing me my HMO has declined payment for services. My H.M.O. wants to first check with me to make sure I don't have other health insurance coverage before they consider paying.
It seems these multi-billion dollar corporations automatically decline payment for even the most basic of services. No wonder the CEO's of these companies are so wealthy, they collect premiums on the front end, then a co-pay in the middle, then they decline to pay what we have already agreed they would pay.
How corrupt can this health insurance picture be before our Government fixes this nonsense?
Maybe I shouldn't waste my breath.


Fundy said...

At least you’re not in Canada. You would still be waiting for your appointment!

Becky said...

I agree that the entire HMO plan is B.S. Unfortunately the other side is that if the government gets involved, then we're taxed much higher, so we can never seem to come to an agreement.

Jar(egg)head said...

Don't pay. Let the doctor's staff and the insurance pukes fight it out.

The whole industry is oriented around the "let's bill them and see if they pay" scam. If you refuse to pay and make it a pain in their ass, they'll eventually cough it up and remove you from the "potential easy mark" list.

Insurance is a scam.

A large percentage of the health care industry is a scam.

Let them scam each other.

mman said...

Thanks for all the comments. I agree that socialized medicine if and when it becomes a reality in the U.S. will be much like visiting the doctor on base, indefinite waiting and always seeing a new doc.
I like the 'let them scam each other' advice. I already paid my part through premiums and the copay.
I guess the system will not improve much and eventually we will have some form of socialized medicine in the future. So it goes.