Sunday, May 28, 2006

Shiloh and behold

Well it finally came to pass. I still can't believe why any man would leave Jennifer Aniston for a girl that used to think Billy Bob was hot.
So Pitt loves the bad girls it seems, so what, who cares?
Obviously the tabloid-indoctrinated masses care. Why else would they be buying up this yellow journalism?
Anyhow, none of it really matters, Jennifer will give birth to some gorgeous babies when she's good and ready.


Becky said...

I can't believe celebrities are incapable of using normal names. To think that Britney Spears is the only one to do so in a long time. How sad is that?

Yeah, I have to agree with you on that strange choice of preference. Don't forget she also creepily kissed her brother when she accepted her Oscar.

mman said...

Exactly, the names have to be more exotic than others. As for Jolie, she is a talented woman and she is pretty but having been with Billy Bob would keep me away.