Saturday, June 03, 2006

Mexico's other border

Thanks to the Newsweek publication I was able to read this insightful report. It seems Mexico and it's above-board government may need to be more introspective when they decide to tell the U.S. government how to handle illegal aliens coming across the border to take jobs their citizens will not do.

$3.50 is a day's pay for a Guatemalan field hand on a coffee plantation in southern Mexico.

Irony sure is ironic. Just when they think their feces doesn't stink, some media outlet lets them know different. Maybe our leaders in D.C. should consider how Mexico handles it's undocumented worker problem and adopt some of those tough love solutions.
So it goes.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I actually had a friend of mine tell me the ohter night that we should legalize all the illegals here...because the farmers need the cheap labor (I was so irritated that I couldn't even bother to explain that legalizing will make the wages go up).