Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Warning from the AMA

Wow, it's amazing that the A.M.A. took the time to warn everyone what happens during Spring Break. Lucky for us all they are on the job and informing College students to be careful, bad things can happen to you if you choose to go to the beach and party too hard.
What a complete farce. Isn't the wild disregard and drunken recklessness the reason students go south for a week in March?
Why can't they actually accomplish something of value like curing the common cold instead of jerking off these ridiculous reports?


Becky said...

Unfortunately, they probably know it's b.s. but it's their protection against any stupid lawsuit that a parent might have for not properly warning kids to not get drunk, drive and fall off hotel balconies.

mman said...

Thanks so much becky. I haven't been online for a bit because of spring break and all the fun to be had.