Thursday, October 20, 2005

Out of the spider hole

"I am not going to answer to this so-called court out of respect for the truth and the will of the Iraqi people."

Someone please give this dictator a cup of hot coffee in the face.
Maybe that will wake him up.


Jar(egg)head said...

Throw his ass in general population at Sing Sing for a few weeks, and he'll start singing a different tune. (Ha! A punny! I'll stop now.)

Carnealian said...

Why do they continue to let him get away with being beligerent? He needs a big ole ass-whoopin!

Jar(egg)head said...

Hey! No upstaging on the punnage, 'lass. =oP

mman said...

Thanks to all, I think it would be nice if one of the guards on deck would just cold cock him every time he acts like he's still the man.
I agree with a statement from one mother of an executed husband and son, he should be executed 7 times over.