Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Profits for the Profiteers

Now, even as high gasoline prices continue to anger motorists and aggravate financial problems at General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co., the oil companies have begun to report record quarterly profit. Yesterday, British energy giant BP PLC reported a $6.53 billion third-quarter profit, up from $4.87 billion in the same period last year. And tomorrow, analysts expect Exxon Mobil Corp. to show that it earned nearly $9 billion over the past three months -- the largest corporate quarterly profit ever.

Now the ultra-wealthy can finally afford that second private jet, or yacht, or home in Hawaii.
Unfortunately for the rest of the hard-working, paycheck to paycheck citizens across this great nation it will be another bite of the open-face reality sandwich.

1 comment:

mman said...

It is so wrong that these oil barrons just screw the consumer to no end. I understand building a better mousetrap and being able to profit from it but these folks go beyond that.