Friday, January 06, 2006

Morning Malaise

Is it just me or does Katie Couric overdo it with her flirtatiousness?

I'm watching the Today show this a.m. and Matt is out, which Katie is so ready to announce that he is recovering from minor surgery (unprofessional), so the show has what's his name with the Steve Martin hair and Katie starts up with her little flirt-a-rama.
It is unknown to me why the producers of the show don't call her on this, but it becomes an uncomfortable display when the co-host is married and there is a chance his wife might be watching.

She'll likely not stop flirting in the future and that is o.k., but for christsakes could she stick to flirting with the single men that come on to promote their current project?
Is that too much to ask?


Jar(egg)head said...

What's a "Katie Couric"? Is it contagious? Sounds like a moderately annoying skin rash.

mman said...

Moderately annoying is correct. Skin rash I'm not sure about.

mman said...

Thanks so much becky. You are so right, whatever happened to professional journalistic integrity?

mman said...

crys, I'm amazed. Yes, last I heard she is a widow and that was a few years back. But if we can stay on message here...