Saturday, December 31, 2005

End Term

I shall not seek, and I will not accept, the nomination of my party for another term as your president.
-President Lyndon B. Johnson

I wonder if we will hear something like this from "W" towards the end of his term, even though he has completed his two-term maximum.


Jar(egg)head said...

LBJ did that because he was a corrupt, crooked, opportunistic bastard who mercilessly milked the Vietnam war and let thousands of young men go to their deaths for no other reason than his own personal gain. The lions were closing in, so he--like any good "player"--got out first.

On the other hand, while he often displays baffling flashes of incompetence for someone smart enough to graduate from Yale, George W. Bush is by and large an honest man, (at least as such things are measured among politicians).

I have no qualms in saying that Lyndon Johnson was the closest thing to evil which has ever dwelled in the Oval Office. My father, who taught American history and government for 35 years, refuses to even set foot on the LBJ ranch. He claims to this day, and I tend to agree, that the vast majority of social ills in this country can be traced directly to LBJ's "Great Society." It created the welfare state and institutionalized racism.

LBJ can rot in whatever hell he believed in.

mman said...

An LBJ fan you are not. Thanks for sharing. The baffling displays of incompetence is a damn good way of putting it for good old W.
Most politicians have some successes and some failures, that is a given.
I always try to find the humor when these guys pull a Dan Quayle.

mman said...

I think LBJ was mostly tired of the job with all the problems and issues of the day. Ultimately, I think it was his personal choice to bow out. Thanks for the comment, I hadn't thought about the possibility he may have been forced out.