Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Causey and effect

It's ironic how the prosecutor working the Enron case will make a deal with someone who is part of the largest banruptcy (at the time) just to ensure Lay and Skilling get the shaft.
I wonder how soon Skilling will make a deal with the prosecution to make Lay one of the biggest corporate villains in history.
Unfortunately for the employees of Enron there are no deals for them.


Jar(egg)head said...

Unfortunately for the employees of Enron there are no deals for them.


Screw those bastards; that's what they did to their employees.

Unfortunately, they'll end up in a minimum-security resort "prison," and that's the real core of the problem. The way to stop white-collar corporate crime is to throw the guilty parties into a federal pen. Threaten these white-collar slimeballs with getting fucked up the ass by a toothless 300-lb murderer for a few years and I can guarantee you'll see a drastic reduction in corporate crime. The ugly, naked greed will still be there, but they'll think twice if there are real, personal consequences to getting caught.

mman said...

It's a sad commentary on society that these greedy bastards are going to be thrown into a minimum security country club when they deserve a helluva lot worse.
To me the more sad commentary is for the employees (the men and women on the front line). They have been shafted by the execs first and foremost but then the screwed up system does not place monies for the damages in the hands of the entry level grunts.
The justice system simply tells them, "tough break pal, better luck next time."