Monday, September 26, 2005

Forecast: more of the same

I sure hope these forecasters are wrong.
"Meteorologists argue that we have begun a new era of Atlantic storms pumped up by hot gulf waters, a cycle that oscillates in decades."
But wait, there's more.
"If these are just the first dark puffs of a new kind of summer weather that will prevail for the next 20 years, can we possibly be ready for what is to follow?"
I'm guessing everyone should be prepared for an extended camping trip.


Jar(egg)head said...

Let's just build a big hurricane magnet and plant it in Louisiana. It's not like the state actually does anything, other than produce corrupt politicians and cops. Oh, and welfare recipients; can't forget those. Plus, most of the towns are named in French; that can't be healthy. But then, just calling it "Red Stick" wouldn't sound near as high-fallutin' and fancy, now would it?

So will it be New New Orleans? New Old Orleans? Nouveau New Orleans? The New Town Formerly Known As New Orleans?

mman said...

Maybe a 'higher power' is trying to wipe us out. Seeing how mankind has made such a mess of things.