Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Insert this

Okay, so once a week or once a month you recieve (I do anyway) your periodical. When you peruse the contents page and flip through to an article of interest how many of these freakin' inserts are you forced to stop and pull from the magazine spine? One, two, how about ten. Is this acceptable?
For me, I'll just let my subscriptions expire.


mman said...

They really take away from the enjoyment of reading a well written article. I especially dislike the inserts requesting if you would like to receive junk mail from these companies that advertise with the magazine.

Jar(egg)head said...

Personally, I only subscribe to professional journals, such as Proceedings. They normally don't have such things in them. For mass-market hobbyist stuff like my aquarium and fishkeeping periodicals, I tend to just buy 'em off the shelf.

But yes; it's annoying. Especially if, like me, you're reading them on the best reading seat in the house and they fill up that tiny little garbage can. =oP

Fundy said...

Man talk about a waste of my time. What annoys me the most is that this is a self inflicted torture!

So to remedy the problem, I give my oldest son (four years old), first crack at tearing them out. He just loves it, that is until I get upset when he carries it too far and starts ripping out the pages! doh....